Here are some of our frequently asked questions.
Must I pay in advance?
Do you have any special offers?
Do you have any special offers?
How often will my dog get to go outside?
Should I worry about availability?
Kennel Cough?
Infectious Tracheobronchitis (better known as “Kennel Cough“) is an infection of the “windpipe” or trachea and bronchial tubes. While the most common bacterium causing kennel cough is Bordetella bronchiseptica, several viruses and bacteria can cause the disease. The most common symptoms of kennel cough are a persistent cough, decreased appetite and depressed behavior. The best way to prevent infection is vaccination. Veterinarians recommend vaccination against Kennel Cough for dogs that visit groomers, dog parks, day care facilities or boarding facilities. Bordatella vaccines are required for all dogs boarding at Country Club Kennels & Training. As prevention is key, all pets must receive their initial vaccines for these diseases at least 3 to 5 days prior to admittance. While these vaccines significantly reduce instances of infection, they do not eliminate it completely. The “Kennel Cough” vaccine is approximately 85% effective. Like the human flu shot, the vaccine greatly reduces the severity of symptoms and duration of illness in pets that do become infected. Just as with children in a daycare setting, close proximity to other potential carriers can increase the risk of infection to your dog. Rest assured that our staff will take every possible precaution to prevent your pet from contracting any illness while in our care, but difficulty in prevention can arise since some pets carrying disease or harboring bacteria may not show any signs of illness whatsoever.
Health and Safety
All common areas are disinfected daily, individual kennels are cleaned at least twice daily, and we require Bordetella, Rabies, and Distemper vaccinations for all boarders. The Bordetella vaccination protects against Kennel Cough; however, it is not 100% effective. Despite our best efforts, there is always a slight risk when being exposed to other dogs. Puppies and those who generally have little exposure to others are most at risk. Please consult your vet for more information.
What can you do to help?
Dogs can start showing symptoms of Kennel Cough anywhere between 2-14 days. Some may carry the disease while exhibiting no symptoms at all. We ask that you avoid dog parks, pet stores, any place frequented by dogs with no vaccination requirements at least 2 weeks prior to your dog’s stay with us.